Media Requests
All requests for interviews or videoing at Lourdes Medical Center or at a Lourdes Clinic must be arranged or approved by Lourdes’ Marketing & Communications Department. Please call us, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 509.546.2307 or 509.221.5949. You may also email to request an interview with a physician or Lourdes staff.
Outside of business hours, please contact the nursing supervisor on duty 509.546.2370. If the nursing supervisor cannot help you, he or she will contact someone from our Marketing Department.
In order to protect the privacy of our patients and their families, once you are on Lourdes’ property (for the purpose of acquiring information or visuals for a news story) you will be required to check in at the front desk and we’ll send an escort to assist you.
For patient conditions
You must first have the patient's name: no information can be given out without a name. You will be given a one-word statement that describes the patient's condition. Conditions on minors will only be released if permission has been obtained from the parent or guardian.
Condition Terms and Definitions
When inquiring about the condition of a patient the following terms will be used. The definitions are included so you'll understand them better.
- Undetermined: The patient is still undergoing assessment and treatment.
- Good: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. The patient is conscious and comfortable.
- Fair: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable.
- Serious: Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is suffering from acute illness or injury.
- Critical: Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious.
- Deceased: Confirmation that a patient has died is permissible, but the date, time or cause of death may not be disclosed. Next of kin notification also must be confirmed before any information is released to the media. If the patient had requested that no information be released to the media, then the patient’s death cannot be confirmed unless the deceased's next of kin gives permission.
Request for information to be withheld
Patients have the right to request that their information be withheld, including confirmation of their presence in the hospital. By law, we must honor that request.