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Two Factors to Lose Weight
Measure your waist with a tape measure. The tape should fit snugly but not press into your skin. For most men, a healthy waist is under 40 inches; and for women, under 35 inches.
Measuring your waist can tell you how much fat you have stored around your belly. People who are “apple-shaped” (store fat around their belly) are more likely to develop weight-related diseased than people who are “pear-shaped” (store fat around their hips). Weight related diseases include: type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
To calculate your BMI, simply divide your weight in pounds by your height in inches. Check your number against the chart below.
BMI of 18.5 or lower = Underweight – You may want to talk to your doctor to find out if your weight is a symptom of a medical problem. A registered dietitian can help you learn about healthy eating.
BMI of 18.5-24.9 = Normal – You are in the recommended weight range for your height. Your health may still be at risk if you are not getting regular physical activity and practicing healthy eating.
BMI of 25-29.9 = Overweight – This may or may not be unhealthy. Talk to your doctor about your waist size or other health problems that may get better if you lose weight.
BMI of 30 or above = Obese – You probably need to lose weight. With Ideal Protein® it is not impossible to change your eating habits and activity level. Start today, get healthy and stay healthy.
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